Montbell EX Light Down Jacket Review

Posted: March 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

Hey guys haven’t done a video in a while so I figured I would show you my favorite ultralight down jacket:

A con that I forgot to mention in the video is that there seems to be a little down leaking out of the jacket. But to me not enough to be concerned about.

Also, all Montbell products are cut rather slim. I have an athletic build so all their products fit me just fine. But if you are a heavier person these products may not fit to your liking.

Very satisfied with this purchase!

Peace out,

Water Monkey

  1. Hooch says:

    Nice review, WM. I’ve got the Downlight Parka and the thing is insane warm. Thanks for sharing, buddy!

  2. Tom says:

    Good review , thanks for taking your time to make it. Can you tell me you height, weight, and chest size, around shoulders whatever you have. I am like really close in the size chart but snug is ok only using for insulation over base layer. I think I want a medium too I wear that in Mountain Hardware etc, Thanks Tom

    • Height 5’4″
      Weight 156 lbs
      Chest and arms – Beastly

      Basically ANY medium labeled clothing line will fit me. But for what it’s worth my back, chest and shoulders are thick from wrestling, martial arts, football, and my weight training. But I’ve never measured them.

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